Creating a Contract

All 1155 contracts created from Freee are deployed by calling a central factory contract.

When calling this factory it will deploy a minimal proxy contract that is upgradeable. All upgrades are opt-in and must be done manually on a per contract basis by the user.

View the list of deployed contract addresses here.

Calling the Factory Contract

The createContract function on the factory is responsible for deploying a new 1155 contract.

The setupActions parameter allows for multiple actions to be called when deploying the contract.

Such as creating a token and sale in the same transaction as deploying the contract.

  • contractURI: The URI for the contract metadata

  • name: The name of the contract

  • defaultRoyaltyConfiguration: The default royalty configuration for the contract

  • defaultAdmin: The default admin for the contract

  • setupActions: The actions to perform on the new contract upon initialization (optional)

function createContract(
    string calldata newContractURI,
    string calldata name,
    ICreatorRoyaltiesControl.RoyaltyConfiguration memory defaultRoyaltyConfiguration,
    address payable defaultAdmin,
    bytes[] calldata setupActions
) external returns (address)

The contract supports multicall so multiple functions can be called to set up the contract in a single transaction.

Royalty Configuration

The defaultRoyaltyConfiguration sets contract-wide royalties.

Note, that royalties can also be set at the token level.

The parameter can be passed in with the following details:

  • royaltyMintSchedule: 1/N tokens are minted to the royalty recipient

  • royaltyBPS: The royalty amount in basis points for secondary sales.

  • royaltyRecipient: The address that will receive the royalty payments.

struct RoyaltyConfiguration {
    uint32 royaltyMintSchedule;
    uint32 royaltyBPS;
    address royaltyRecipient;

Contract URI

The Contract URI contains contract specific details. This metadata is stored in a JSON file on IPFS.

The uri is retrieved via the contractURI() call on the contract.

type CollectionMetadata = {
  name?: string
  description?: string
  image?: string
  imageURI?: string
  animation_url?: string
  animationURI?: string
  seller_fee_basis_points?: string
  seller_fee_recipient?: string
  storefront?: {
    theme?: StorefrontTheme

Setup Actions

An optional param that is encoded function data that can be passed in and can call a separate function within the contract. This allows creating a token and setting permissions in the same transaction of creating the contract. Actions that can be called:

  • Creating a token

  • Setting the salesConfig

  • Granting permissions/minter role

  • Admin minting tokens

Last updated