How to upload collection artworks?

This is a guide for creator/project owner on uploading their collection artworks onto Freee.

Freee provides creator/project owner with 2 ways to collection artworks, which is

  1. The first option is by "Upload from computer", which will prompt you to upload an artwork folder containing all your artwork and metadata.

  2. The second option is "Import self-hosted metadata" where you provide IPFS link to your collection artwork metadata. Recommended for advance user only.

1. Upload from computer

To upload your artwork and metadata directly onto Freee, select the "Upload from computer" option and follow instruction below:


Prepare your artworks & metadata following required "format". For best practice, you may download our example folder OR follow our guide here.

First at all, make sure your folder contains following components:

  1. A media folder containing all of your artwork files.

    These files must be formatted correctly and numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on. *Ensure there are no hash marks (#) in the filename.

  2. Optional - A single .csv file containing your collection’s metadata.

    *If you exclude the .csv file, the NFTs will get default name and description from your collection details.

  3. Optional - A thumbnails folder containing the thumbnail(s) you would like to display on your non-image media (audio/video).

    *If you are using non-image media (audio/video), you MUST include the thumbnail folder to upload images for marketplaces to display on collection listing page. By default they will match on filename media/1.mp4 -> thumbnails/1.png

Check out this link for in-depth outline about artworks folder.

Check out this link for in-depth outline about metadata CSV file.


  1. Select your artworks folder and Approve permissions from your browser to read files on your computer

  2. You should see a Preview action below.

    You may preview your artworks and make sure it's the right one before proceed.

    You may randomize the order of your artworks by selecting "Randomize tokens".

  3. You are good to go if everything looks fine!

2. Import self hosted collection artworks

To upload your artwork and metadata directly onto Freee, select the "Import self-hosted collection artworks" option and follow instruction below:


  1. Make sure you have uploaded your artworks & metadata to decentralised storage (IPFS). Freee accept only artworks that stored on IPFS and no other options.

  2. Make sure your uploaded artworks & metadata meet the amount needed for your collection (collection size / total supply). Freee will validate provided IPFS URI to confirm it contains enough amount of artworks.

*We recommended this for advanced ceator/project owner who want to maintain their artworks on own decentralised storage services.


  1. Fill in Metadata URI for your artworks. This shall points to the metadata of your artworks. The URI base should end with a trailing slash and work without extensions.

  2. A validation will run automatically once you done entering your Metadata URI.

  3. You are good to go if you see a validation success message.

Last updated